Birds of A Feather Fabrics, Duo Fuse Fleece and Camel Back Carryall

I can't quite explain the pleasure that I have been experiencing at my full circle return to all things sewing, but it feels really good! As some of you may remember, I did a huge fabric purge this past summer to the tune of thirteen large white plastic bags filled to the brim. Other folks were happy to have all of it and I'm giddy because I feel like I can now buy just a bit of fabric that really calls to me without the fear that it will all be buried under yardage that I long ago lost interest in. 

This new line ( I actually discovered that it came out in November, but it is new to me), 'Birds Of A Feather' by Mark Hordyszynski for Michael Miller fabrics, is one of my favorites. I found it in irresistible fat quarter packets from The Stitchin' Post, and of course, since I have an addiction for feathers, I had to buy additional yardage of several of the designs! I have to comment on the Stitchin Post's customer service too. In a note that I added to my order I inquired if they had the green fabric (photo below second from top) in any other color ways. Not only did Annette (shipping department) send swatches in my order she also sent me a photograph of a stack of bolts of the other colors and patterns in the line! Kudos to Stitchin'Post and Annette!
My initial order was for two fat quarter packets and an extra yard of the blackish feather fabric, so I needed to consider what to make to try out a couple of the fat quarters. I had a pattern that I had been meaning to make for years. It was time to use it! It's called the 'Camel Back Carryall' from Janine Babich Designs. This pattern is really fun, and it is very useful too!  I changed the details just a wee bit.
The next question was what batting or fleece to use. I knew precisely what I wanted to use. Some time age the wonderfully kind folks from Innovative Craft Products sent me a treasure trove of things to try out. Of course, in the interim, I left my job of 17 years, and spent several months sifting, sorting and divesting myself of unused and no-longer-wanted-or needed 'treasures', clothing and fabrics. 

My experiments with these "Innovatice" products have, therefore, been pitifully delayed, but I really did want to take my time and enjoy the process of playing with the products.

I used "Duo Fuse" double sided fusible fleece for this little project. Duo Fuse is a very different fusible. I am thrilled with this product - truly I am. It has a very soft, silky hand. When you sew through it you have absolutely no hint that you are sewing through a fusible product. Your needle just glides. That's all well and good, but it is the end result that matters right? Well, I am so very pleased to say that end result is perfect. The fabric does not look at all as though it had anything fusible in it. The softness and definition (of the quilting) remains lofty and soft. This is one product that I will be using a lot more of. It's a dream fusible that I am so happy to have discovered! I now cannot wait to do some more experimenting with their truly innovative products (good choice of a company name huh?!).

I was very cautious about using a fusible on this little bag, even though it is what the pattern called for. I find that some fusibles really look a bit odd in the finished product. Sometimes the results look rather taut and pulled. Fusible qualities, especially in batting or fleece, can also cause a loss of 'fluffiness' that I really don't fancy too well. I like fluffy! Innovative Craft Products is in the process of redesigning their website, but you can go to the product page that I linked to, and you can also find them on Face Book. 
silky, smooth and soft!

So here is the little Camel Back Carryall made up in "Birds Of A Feather" and Duo Fuse.

You can see how the quilting is still fluffy looking and well defined. 
No "too sticky" tautness with this product!

I added a small interior pocket to the pattern. 


  1. Marie, it turned out beautifully! I love that fabric!!! Thanks for the heads up about the fusible. I quit using fusible because I disliked the stiffness and how hard it was to sew into. I will be giving the Duo Fuse a try! Thanks also for the info about the Stitchin Post. It is so hard to find good fabric here and I am always hesitant to order online. Having a good source of fabric that is resposive may be hard on the old checkbook, but will make me such a happy camper. Happy New Year!!! I hope 2014 is an exceptional year for you.

  2. Your little bag is delightful. You almost made me want to get out my sewing machine and go to the fabric store. As a child I started with knitting, moved on to sewing. Photography is so much tidy.

  3. That bag is absolutely darling and what pattern did you use? Or is it one of your own? If so--can I buy one? I love making little things like this, as I have many women in my family. The fabric is also darling. A good match--this fabric and pattern. Well done!
    Toni in Milwaukee


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