What September?
This is what I tried to do in September! |
It seems that September passed me by - at least in the blogging sense. One friend said that she had stopped checking in because it had been so long. I plea guilty!
Hopefully, these images will show that I was not being a total slug during the month. I imagine that much of this will be old hat news for some of you!
The other side contains the flower fairy alphabet. |
Mid month featured our annual retreat. Considering that I had only begun to get out and about again a week or two before this event I was thrilled to feel well enough to go. I did overdo just a bit but I simply HAD to make use of the spacious design walls at the retreat house. I took a few days to recover once I got home but I was so happy to have been there with good friends and laughter!
Behind my head you can just make out part of a fabulous piece Linda Cooper, was working on. It's patriotic with a definite design twist! |
My project was this "fractured" quilt from the "Making Quilts" by Kathy Doughty. This quilt was made with 90% fabrics from my stash. I cleaned out all of my reds, yellows, oranges and blacks. I can't fit the whole quilt into a photo, but the quilt is about 100" X 110" with it's black border (not shown here). I love using traditional fabrics in a slightly non-traditional way.
Below is a beautiful little gem made by friend, Janet Wright. I think that her use of the pattern and the colors all add up to a fresh, modern feel for this piece. We were all amazed at how the gradient border fabric (shown top and right) gave the impression of light coming in from an outside source. These amazing fabrics are from the E.E.Schenck Daiwabo Gradients line and I hope that they will not discontinue making them!
Below: This cheerful quilt was made by Tori Benz-Hillstrom. She considers herself to be a beginner quilter, but she has that natural ability to do things right that has already made her an 'expert'. Aside from finishing this during our short 3 day stay she also pieced another whole 'sofa' sized top!
Below: Another friend, Judy, was making these special 60 degree (?) table runners. They requite a special tool (60 degree ruler?). She got Tori interested in making them too. I have to admit that they look really great don't they?!
Below: Liz made this wonderful "Professional" tote bag. had made one of these some years ago. The pattern is beautifully done. It's just of those that you need to follow precisely and not think too much about as you make it. Liz's tote came out looking professional indeed both in workmanship as well as in color scheme.
Not too long after our retreat I visited Liz and noticed this amazing quilt on the wall. She designed the crow patterns herself and cut them out meticulously. I am in love with this quilt and might be tempted to take it home with me. It is an amazing piece and I think that it deserves much more attention!
Also in September I participated in a Mystery Knit Along with Sivia Harding through Ravelry. This is called the "Liken Shawl" and the design was inspired when Sivia found a beautiful piece of shelf Lichen during a visit to my fair island. Of course, I had to make this shawl! This photo shows only the first two "Clues". I am almost finished with it now though and am anxious to have it blocked. For this I also used stash yarn! I love knitting with beads and this design presented ample opportunities for using them!
I have been using a crochet hook when I knit with beads. It worked alright, but I was always a bit frustrated that I had to keep dipping into the tin of beads. I was designing a beading hook in my head when I happened upon this excellent little contraption called the Fleegel Beader from Miss Babs. It is available in three different sizes to accommodate a variety of bead and yarn sizes. It holds a lot more beads and is a much easier alternative I think!
There is another model of beader called the Verna-X beader from one of my favorite beaded knit pattern vendors, Earthfaire (also available in different sizes). These beading needles are very similar. The Verna-X is a bit longer nd hence holds a few more beads. Foe me, the Fleegel seems just a bit easier to use, but it may be that my hands are small and so the shorter size feels more comfortable? If you like beading knits too do yourself a favor and have a look at these. They are both modestly priced. I think that they are made from guitar strings perhaps. I used pliers to add a tight scroll to the bottom below the rubber washer in case the washer slipped (which it seemed to do).
A few questions to ponder:
- How do you feel about social networking?
- Do you ever feel the need for a break?
- Do you tend to stop looking at blogs if they do not post regularly?
- How often would you like to see a blog post?
- do some months just fly by for you - leaving you in the dust wondering where time went?!
Lastly, if you have gotten all of this way and you happen to need a new set of Holbein Gouache paints - I happen to have one for sale. I accidentally placed a duplicate order. They came straight from Japan and this set is untouched - other than for taking the photo. I paid more than $50. but make me an offer if interested. I will be putting it on Etsy and Ebay shortly....
Here is a link to this set on Amazon
Hey there! I am with you on September just whooshing by. It was as though I blinked and it was over. Your botanical prints are gorgeous! I am going to rethink my abstaining from diving in, especially since Oregon grape grows like a weed here. I love zinnias and will have to do some research on purple ones. Your shawl is gorgeous. I made a little thimble bag years ago that was knit with beads and those tools would have been so handy. I like social networking, but it can become a little too time consuming. I still love to read blogs and still think about writing one. Then I have a bad week and think, who would want to know about that? LOL! The reason I like the internet so much is because I can connect with people who have similar interests. There are a few here, but it is a very clique-ish area and I haven't lived here long enough to be accepted. ( Almost 30 years and a native Washingtonian, but new here. LOL!) I am trying to limit my computer time, too. Do you like the Holbein better than the Reeves? I am so behind in the fairy class, mainly because I feel like I am fighting with the paint. Have a gorgeous weekend, Marie!
ReplyDeleteWOW and wow! What a busy time for you and your friends! The fabrics pieces are just gorgeous! all of them,although I am quite fond of the Poppies and gradient! ") How funny that you would forget the phone and tablet- subliminal? perhaps? I love connecting through blogs..and I really think I would miss this most should I disconnect- as FB goes, I joined an experiment group a few months back-99 DAYS OF FREEDOM- coming off of FB for 99 days- I really do not miss it or the fly by LIKES, or the cliques on there- I feel like with a blog, more take the time to read their favorites, and connect, and if someone has not posted in awhile, someone else always checks in to make sure everything is well- more personal-
as Jeannie said, I too am new to my area, but we are so far removed from society and culture, that there are none to be clique-ish! heehee anyway, you asked so I answered-teeheehee
Enjoy your weekend- hopefully the weather will stay beautiful so you may gather your nature's treasures! -by the way, something I to would like to try! hugs Jackie in NY ")
I love the botanicals. I am considering 'scheduling' in a 'tech' free day. Going to start with 1 day a month and hopefully get to 1 day a week. I feel like I am compelled to hop up and get on the computer immediately every morning.