Ramblings On The Vagaries of Time

Birthday lunch with, and thanks to, Lauren
I have been sewing away; trying to finish some projects so that I can feel free to begin others. I have been experiencing a wee bit of ennui. The act of finishing my current projects is not as appealing as it should be. I think that I am looking too far into future projects and it is clouding my appreciation for my current endeavors. I should be enjoying the process of completion in the here and now. I am also working on a small donation quilt which I don't really have my heart into. Generally, when I feel this way, it is better to wait it out until I feel renewed joy for the process then to plug along...but it feels as if that wastes precious time. We had a Mercury Retrograde period that ended on June 11th so I just expected that I would magically feel more motivated. the 'mojo' is returning, but too.

My birthday made me stop to consider how time is slipping through my fingers at an alarming rate. I feel as though I can blink and another week has flown by. How is that when I was young(er) there seemed to be enough time to accommodate both a full work day as well as lots of play? The days seemed to last longer and, of course, I had much more energy then too!

My friend, Lauren, sent me this quote from the Dalai Lama- knowing that I treasure his words. It sure hits the nail on the head! My "new year's" ambition is to relax into the present - to simply be present. It's a good goal and I think that it will motivate me to appreciate the "finishing" without trying to already 'be' in the future.
With this short post I am off to finish ....more soon - or at least, I hope, more regularly!


  1. Happy birthday Marie !
    ( i have one coming first week of July... eeek!)
    i also enjoy greatly The Dalai Lama kindness attitude.
    And on mojo recovery, i enjoy taking a walk or doing something else or doing nothing but sitting a bit can trigger the art returning with a yearning. i go pull weeds, water some plant in need of moisture, take a nap,or take a shower sometime helps me clear up head blockage. if i get out of my head and into my body or heart i can clear.. of course i can always pick up a book or journal about gratitude , anyway that helps helps me. So above all be kind to yourself ! D L would love that! be well, sonja


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