In Praise Of Pointy Tools


A friend asked me about stuffing tools for raised appliqué the other day. My immediate reaction was to mention "That Purple Thang" that I imagine most of us have bought at one time or another.

As I was turning the tiny points on his little small scissor holder today I realized that I had not thought to mention my all-time favorite tools to her. Big, Eliza, if you are reading are my favorite pointy tools. One has been used for many purposes since time immortal I imagine and one is relatively new to the market and I really like it very much.

On the right is an almost 8 inch porcupine quill. They won over my heart when I discovered them. They are natural, sturdy and offer two points on each quill. One very,very pointy and sharp and one that is more rounded. They are available in many different lengths and can be thick or thin. I prefer thick quills between 7-9 inches and I buy mine from an ETSY vendor.

In the left is a new favorite that was originally designed for some sort of machining use. I bought my "Precision Turning Tool by RNK distributing" at our nearest Quality Sewing, but they are available online as well. Amazon seems to not offer them at the moment...but Nancys Notions and the RNK site have them ready to ship.

What I like about this tool is that it is made from metal but is not heavy and it s well balanced. I also really like the rounded point because it does not poke through the fabric (which could potentially make holes or break stitches). They are more expensive than any other turning tool I have, but in my very humble opinion they are worth it. Standard cost can be about 15.00 but when I bought mine at Quality Sewing it was in sale for about $11.00. This tool will last more than one lifetime, it turns points very well and there is not damage threat when you use's a safer point tuner I think.

These are my favorite tools. Of course they have joined my arsenal of "pointy tools"; joining "That Purple Thang" and my myriad collection of bamboo skewers and sewing awls.

Y'all know that I am a true gadget gal and I enjoy having tools that work well and also work the way I want and expect them to. Once I find what works for me I sort of stop looking for anything new...until the next "perfect tool" catches my magpie this RNK tool that managed to exceed my expectations. Porcupine quills also remain in my everyday use category...they just cannot be beat!

So....what are your favorite "pointy tools"? I am always enjoy seeing what other sewists use and like....



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