Welcome to MZ Johansen & Peregrinations

As some of you know I have been considering a different blog for some time now. After realizing that I was so comfortable with Blogger at this point I didn't want to change blog platforms . Of course next thought was what to call it. I felt as if I might be somehow 'cheating' people who would come to my blog, ZQuilts, looking for all things quilty. only to find pages about paints, metal, knitting, ATC's Journal Pages or arts books. I feel that I have changed my focus a bit - not that I am leaving my beloved quilts and quilting behind by any means - but I have become so enamored in things that I wanted to incorporate. I also wanted to 'brand' my work more under my name - rather than under ZQuilts. This was the means to make that change. 

Peregrinations is the new blog title. It's an intransitive verb that means to wander from place to place.
The new blog address is:    http://mzjohansen.blogspot.com

One day as I drove home from work this week I was amazed at how the views changed every several hundred feet. Our island is only about 12 miles long - and I live at the opposite end from where I work. The photos on this page were all taken on the same day. I found the fog entrancing and could easily have watched it until it grew too dark to see!
Photograph - fog flowing over the fields
I will be working out how to change me domain name for my website as well - but, because I  don't know how to make that all work I have to figure it out. I know I need a new domain name - and the part that generally stumps me is configuring the domain name to the site. So I'll tackle first things first. You will find the same content here as always- just under MZJohansen rather than ZQuilts. I hope that you will  updating your subscription or Google Reader to continue following!

Photograph: Fog flowing over the lake and white swans
I will be restoring side bar information and gadgets next. My plan is to streamline my categories so a blog search will be easier. Things I have learned over the years that I had no clue about when ZQuilts was started. Hints, tips, tricks and ideas are always appreciated - some of you have so much more experience in this than I do!

Photograph: Fog flowing across a pond


  1. Love the new look and the reason behind it. Do you use Live Writer to help?

  2. NICE! FWIW; I love the swan photo. You truly live in a magical place. And I like that you have decided to be open in your creative process and share that by stating the shift in your focus.
    Lately I've felt weird things pulling me in all directions; perhaps you've given me in some way, permission to visit that it's 'OKAY' to change direction and keep on the creative journey at the same time. Paradigm shift.

    xoxo to you & Ms. Tillie (did you bring home the new one yet?)

  3. You live in a beautiful place.

  4. These photos are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them...

  5. Love the new blog, Marie. And, of course, I'll be a follower!

    Oh, sometimes my heart aches when I see pictures of my most favorite place in the world. :-) Thanks for sharing your beautiful corner of the world with us.

  6. I found myself sighing at the lovely views. It is snowing here today and we're under a weather advisory til 4pm so the landscape gave me pause to wander and wonder :)

  7. De-lurking to let you know I've changed my feed -- your new home looks like a nice place so far :-). I especially enjoy your ATC posts but they are all good.


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