Spring Theme ATC Exchange

This exchange is for the Roses On My Table art group.I have been having an exhilarating time learning to use Photoshop more effectively. There is lot to learn and I have a long to go, but it is slowing filtering into my brain. I find that I like relative simplicity in my cards. When I try to do too much to them them seem to come out just overdone and a bit awkward I think. There are some people who use lots of things on the cards with wonderful results - but I can't seem to do that with much finesse. One of the reasons that I want to learn PhotoShop so much is that this is my 'comfort' zone - or will be one day!
Front and back of the card

For these cards I combined 5 layers using images from one of my paintings and one of photographs. I printed them out on cotton - like a pale ghost image -and then painted each one with watercolors and ink. This is a very comfortable way of working for me and I truly enjoy the process. I am also almost always surprised at what happens - I like the serendipity of working this way I guess!
The haiku from Basho is one that I have always liked and makes think of sitting under a tree during a balmy full moon in Spring - breathing in the newness of the plants - and the scent of growth.


  1. cool Marie. I also like printing stuff off on cotton then painting over it. and I have the same problem, putting too much stuff in a work makes it cluttered and awkward. Guess we need more practice!

  2. Dear Marie!

    Thank you so much for the beautiful card I received from you for the iHanna swap! Every time I look at it a big grin appears on my face :)

    All the best, Maja x

  3. Wow, your painting looks very good. I really like it. So sweet and nice colors. I think you have a talent. I wish I had a talent at least in something. Writing will be the best. Because I b=need to use help from http://flashessay.strikingly.com/ every single time I need to write something special


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