You Know You Are Retired When

A sad pin cushion before cleaning
Although it may sound very dubious, one of the great pleasures of being retired has been being able to clean, sift, sort, toss and re-order my 'stuff'. When I working I simply did have the time or energy to really look too deeply, or care too much, about at what needed to be cleaned and tidied. One thing that I never thought I would ever care about cleaning is my pin cushions! Just how bizarre is that?!  I use them all of the time of course, but they had become ugly and dirty with age. All of the of the pins and needles had become smooshed into them so deeply that I had no idea what size pins or needles were available, and it took some time to dig them all out!

These images of this one pin cushion tell the tale of neglect. I removed all of the pins and needles from the pin cushions and cleaned the cushions themselves and then replaced the pins and needles; actually, neurotically, sorted by color and size! Can you believe the difference in this one?! I was amazed that I actually saved this lovely cushion and can still use and enjoy it!

The same, much happier pin cushion after cleaning and sorting.
In case you wonder as you look at these pictures what the little square of cloth is, I have always used a small piece of fabric to hold sewing needles and my shortie hand applique pins. I always know where to find these items on the cushion. Yes, I know another OCD trait!

Aside from cleaning my pin cushions, last week I divested myself of nine extra large boxes of books. All going to benefit our amazing library though book sale fund raisers. I checked the price on some of them, but I found that the ones that might be worth something were ones that I kept just because I use them regularly. I had years of assorted, accumulated magazines to sort through as well. I had to get over the "what if I ever want a pattern..." syndrome and I did a wholesale toss. These too are happily recycled into bins near one of our local hardware stores for the benefit of any and all who might find them appealing or interesting. Wow! What a great feeling! I am starting on my clothes now, and have two bags filled and many more to go. Oddly enough I find all of this tossing to be oddly liberating. I like it !
all clean and in order
A row of orderly pin cushions.
My favorite pastime in the morning is to sit on the deck and read a good book as I sip my coffee and watch my avian friends and their antics. What an amazing thing to be able to do. How grateful I am for these glorious late mornings! I feel so better now that I can get more rest. I may never be the multi-tasker that I used to be again, but doing less is really helping me to be more. 

Here are some photographs from my delightful, relaxing mornings.

A juvenile woodpecker (don't you just love his red patches?!)  peers at the suet somewhat quizzically.
He got it pretty well figured out! I love these birds!
About to take off!
Well, maybe a rest instead.
Precipitous perch - anything to get that seed out!
The little juvenile again figuring out how to attack that suet cake. Contortionist woodpecker!
Even when he stops for a drink he seems to be practicing yoga to get to the water!
