Sarah Ann Smith's DVD Art Quilt Design From Photo To Threadwork

This is your opportunity to win a copy of my friend, Sarah Ann Smith's new DVD!
Keep reading to find out how!

Sarah and I became fast friends when she lived here in the Great Pacific Northwest, before she became the famous quilt artist that she now is! We both are "what if" kind of people and we used to love to play together. Traveling, experimenting with new things and new methods. It was a sweet time in my life, and she has become a 'forever friend' no matter how far the distance or how famous she becomes! She has always been a personal cheerleader for me, and I am constantly amazed at what an inquisitive, 'how-to-do-it', kind of mind she has. I used to watch her mull over a concept. You could see the focus and watch the gears turning, and her solutions were /are always well thought out as well as beautifully executed..
I imagine that many of you are already familiar with Sarah's book, which I find to be a very valuable. It's a fine example of her Sarah's mind works, detail oriented, perfect, well planned instructions. If you have not seen it, or don't own it, you really should check it out!

Her DVD, "Art Quilt Design From Photo To Threadwork" is much the same, beautifully planned, well though out, with clear, concise directions. 

The DVD is a step-by-step walk through Sarah's design process. She takes you through the process of transforming a photo into a quilt. She goes through how to choose the right fabrics,  how to make templates for the design, how to select and use the perfect threads to make your quilt sing (of course given the title of her book!)

I should perhaps mention that Sarah is also the reason for my addiction to knitting. In my prior life I was a weaver and a spinner, but I had never even considered learning to knit during that time. Before she moved to Maine, Sarah had knit and felted, and gifted to me,  what I call "the cure for cold feet". In reality they are a felted knit bootie pattern from Cat Bordhi. I have not suffered form cold feet since I received this gift. 

Over the years several people, including Sarah, attempted to teach me to knit. It all seemed like Greek to me, and none of it ever made sense. When Sarah moved, however, and her"cold feet protection" wore out I realized that I had to teach myself to knit. I bought a beginner's pamphlet and began to teach myself how to make those wonderful booties! I made six pairs, giving some as gifts. I remember that at one point DH said that "I should stick to what I know how to do" (quilting), in response to my frustration at one point. Of course, that was just what I needed to hear to get me to figure it all out! I've never stopped knitting since then and the more I know about knitting, the more I love to knit. I now knit as much as I quilt - if not more lately! I owe it all to Sarah and her felted booties! 

One lucky person will win a copy of Sarah's wonderful, informative DVD please leave a comment on this post by Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

Make sure to leave me a way to contact you!

If you are a US resident you will have the opportunity to choose a DVD or DVD download (which is what I did, and it works wonderfully!). It's always right there on my computer, ready to open and enjoy!

If the winner is a non-US resident they will receive the DVD download

Sarah did a blog post about here DVD  HERE
She also did a blog post about our friendship. It's HERE

There are more chances to win on these wonderful blogs:

November 16:     Brenda Gael Smith
November  19:    Jaye Lapachet
November 21:     Susan Brubaker Knapp
November 23:     Lisa Walton
November 26:     Daphne Greig
November 28:     Sarah Ann Smith     Yep--it is US Thanksgiving that day…I'll write mine up in advance!  Or maybe I should do mine on Black Friday (the beginning of the holiday shopping season the day after…)


  1. I NEED that DVD. I have a couple of ideas in my head and need to know how to get them on paper. And the felted booties....tell me more.

  2. I love your work too!
    Your felted bags are wonderful...
    But I'd love to win Sarah's DVD!

  3. As a long time admirer of art quilting it would be lovely to learn how to do it from a professional! :)

  4. I love Sarah's quilts and have her book, "Thread Work". I would love to own a copy of her DVD to continue my learning of her technique and technical process. Her work is astounding.

  5. This DVD looks terrific. I'd love to be able to make quilts from photos.

  6. This DVD looks wonderful.
    I would love to win it.
    Thank you both for the opportunity to do so.

  7. Want the DVD! I love your blog!!!! So many new things to try and then watch Sarah's DVD! I have her book Thread Unravelled and it is fantastic!

  8. I love your work, sarah's and Brendas and could really do with the DVD so hope I win

  9. I've been following Sarah since I took a class with her in NH many years ago. A VERY talented quilt artist, plus she's down right nice.

  10. I have been following Sarah's work for many years, have found her books very helpful and would love to have her DVD. Bev Longford

  11. I would love to win Sarah's DVD. I admire her pluck and talent. Janet Wright, Friday Harbor, Wa

  12. I thought I commented the other day, but it must be lost in the virtual ether. :) I found you through Sarah's blog. I was so excited to find a blogger in my neck of the woods and you have inspired me far more than you shall ever know. The fact that Sarah is finally getting the recognition she so rightly deserves makes me so happy. You next !!!

  13. I would be so happy to win the DVD & learn this technique from Sarah.

  14. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful DVD!

  15. You are such a good friend and an amazing artist!

  16. Haven't seen the DVD (yet), but saw Sarah give a similar presentation live in 2012. Lots of good information there!

  17. I would very much having Sarah's new book to read and learn from. I am enjoying her posts on the Janome 12000/15000 list, where I heard about this blog.
    Bev Leischner

  18. I'd like to win the dvd too! Thanks so much, and love the knitting!
    LeeAnna Paylor

  19. I too am a fan of Sarahs!!! and would welcome the chance to own her DVD.

  20. I would love to win this DVD, learning new things is the best. Thank you for being such an awesome inspiration. Kate (

  21. I'm after the download, I have threadworks which sits next to my sewing machine as an inspiration! Well done for learning to knit!! now I'm off to look through your blog -this is such a great way to find new people.....

    1. That should have ended, Hanneke, North Yorkshire, UK

  22. I love this quilter and would love to win her book. Thanks for the chance!

  23. I really want to more my quilting ti the next level and want to try the techniques that Sarah shows in the DVD. I belong to an on line group that does and she contributes so much through her participation in the group. I admire her work and would like to try her techniques. Thanks for the chance to win.

  24. I would love to explore art quilting with this quilter


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