Simple Pleasure For Simple Minds. A Laundry Product as Art Supply!

Simple things tend to please me. I am especially fond of happenstance, and this is what these are an example of! While I was at our quilt retreat this pat September, someone mentioned "Shout Brand Color Catchers". Since one of us needed to prewash some red fabric we all tramped to the local grocery store and we each bought a box of these little gems. I had never heard of them, but now I am looking for a larger box of them!

First of all they really work in your laundry, as these used sheets testify, there really is a lot of dye floating around i the wash water of many loads of laundry. It was bated breath that I timidly added one of these to a load of laundry that held my favorite lime and pink pajamas along with some blacks. Eureka! All came out of the wash just fine, no dulling of my perfect lime green was evident!

These darn things make laundry almost fun to do these days, and I have been unable to toss any of these sheets away because  of the sometimes fascinating patterns that I get on them. I'm planning on an art project that will use them. They really do look like hand dyed cloth! The 'treated cellulose sheet' is the weight of nice thick paper. They can be "over-dyed" too with some interesting effects. It's hit or miss, but as you can see the results are intriguing, and they are unpredictable as well. Fascinating, simple pleasures for simple minds! I have not yet ironed these, but they react pretty much like a cotton, or paper - so they can be ironed easily.
I'm really looking forward to making something out of these. Of course, I'll post the results when it's done. Have you used these? What have you thought about them and have you also kept any of them?


  1. I have used them, but only if there is red in the fabric. They work great and I will think of you when I use them.

  2. Natalya Aikens talks about using them in her dvd that came out years ago, but I have yet to try them. Based on your results, they are now on the top of the grocery list! :) Keep having fun!


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