A Class With Katie Pedersen, author of "Quilting Modern"

My block
This past Saturday, 8 April, our guild offered a class with Katie Pedersen, and 13 of us had a fun day learning Katie's "insertion" techniques. Katie is one of the authors of one of my favorite "modern" quilting books. Aptly enough, her book is called "Quilting Modern". I have had the book for some time, but now I have it autographed! Very nice!
Katie's book
This block, in soothing grays,
 was made by a lovely woman whose name I don't know!

My focus, most unfortunately, was not on taking photos during this class. I had forgotten to pack my camera and these less than perfect images were taken with my older model IPhone's camera. Also, I did not walk about much so this is a VERY limited idea of what was happening in the class. My apologies to my friends who work is not on this page!
Nurse extraordinaire (recently retired),
Nancy Best, was sailing through this class! I expect, she has a quilt finished by now!
I love these colors!
This 'insertion' technique is taken right from Katie's book. It's not complicated and it IS a lot of fun! It's no stress quilter's play time. Your color choices really does the work for you. The options for using this color insertion technique are numerous, and I'm looking forward to playing further. I will be using my sample block to make a purse perhaps. Some folks were going to make theirs into table runners, quilts, pillows etc. I think that a lot of people were surprised at how easy this technique is and at how quickly a quilt can be made by using this method! You can leave a lot or a little space for quilting - which can become a big feature of these blocks!
This bright block is from the 'queen of brights', Barb Snider
Katie herself is an unassuming delight. Katie is no diva, and is just she is down-to-earth. I found that to be very refreshing!  Her blog is fresh and fun! Have a look.
Another cheerful block whose maker I am forgetting!
A quilt artist from Lopez Island was working
 on these blocks in gray and dark blue.

The color is off on this image, but you get the idea how fun this simple technique can be.
I have a pile of terrific new book titles to share with you - and a give-a-way for one of them too! I have a wee stomach bug right now, but new posts about these great new craft and art titles will be posted in the coming days!


  1. You are so lucky! I LOVE her and would adore a class by her! Congrats and I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Are these techniques covered in the book?


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