Dumpster Diving For Luscious Silks and Aurifil Wool Thread Delight

The more I use wool for applique the more interested I have become in using wool thread (actually all the brands that I have found are 50% wool and 50% acrylic). I love the look of using wool thread on wool.

I started with this amazing kit of colors from Aurifil. If you do a web search you will find links to buy it. It's beautiful quality and feels so smooth going through the needle and into the cloth! I plan to try some the Genziana brand (also made in Italy and also 50% wool and 50% acrylic) from Sue Spargo's website as soon as funds permit !  I have been playing with lots of specialty threads that I've had in my stash. Wonderfil 'Accent" thread is luscious in wool applique applications. I seem to really like using 12 wt threads and I have a wide selection of Sulky 12wt thread that has been working beautifully. The wool threads (both of those brands) are 12wt.

One of my favorite shops on Vashon Island is called Dova Silks. When we go to quilt camp at Camp Burton this is always one stop that we make. I can't afford any of their amazing hand-dyed hand made silk clothing, but I did buy a skirt there once (on sale) and I love to go and fondle the goods! This year when we stopped by one of the owners, Dorothy Dunnicliff, was there. We were all in the midst of a discussion when she asked us if we wanted to 'dumpster dive' in her scrap bin. I could not believe that she was asking us! A dream! I scored some luscious, amazing pieces - some of which were relatively large ! I am so excited about this score!


  1. It is like an Easter basket exploded on my computer screen! What a beautiful array of threads and silk. Silk is one of those fabrics that is so beautiful just to look at. There used to be a designer in downtown Olympia who sold her scrap linen, wool, and silk by the pound. When Carl had meetings, I would tag along and make sure I hit that store. :) Happy Spring!

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