Oh Dear! What Can The Matter Be?


I have used the word 'minion' a lot in my life. As a worker bee that's what I considered myself to be. A minion to my employer. I am tickled that the word is now widely used thanks to the whimsical animated characters. The Easter Bunny brought me this Peep Minion! Perfect!

These days I am allows to be my own minion. I get to "work for myself". I have become a minion to almost too many quilt projects for this year. My time is well spent in planning (I am doing much more of that than I am used to), cutting and sewing both by machine as well as by hand (the more hand work I do the more I enjoy it).

I felt that I needed just a bit of a hand sewing break and so I exchanged my sewing needles for knitting needles for a day. It was refreshing! I WILL get my shawl finished before too long! It's almost time to add the blue border.

All is well in my world! The sun is back and the temperatures are rising again, but I am trying to fend off a compulsion....an addiction if you will. Mixed media. I love mixed media, but I had made the decision to focus on quilting only this year. My energy levels are low (thanks to the cfs/fm) and I have managed to fill every bit of of my day with quilt related activities. I have also managed to disregard the siren songs of paint pots, brushes, stamps and assorted ephemera for many months now, but every time I catch a glimpse of those wondrous possibilities sleeping on my desk my resolve weakens. If I yield to my paint pot addiction I will fall behind with one quilt project or another! Oh! The tormenting choices of the retired! What can I do? What should I do? Will I be able to overcome the magnetic pull of paint and brush?

And I suppose that I need to consider a teeny tiny bit of outdoor activity too. I have not really gardened in years, but there is some trimming to do, some raking and tidying. My madder needs to be thinned and repotted. I have some plants that need to go in the ground ....the sun is shining....

In a perfect world all of our decisions should be so pithy and 'important" ! Yes! I am truly grateful to have so many remarkably 'meaningful' choices to make! But there remains the thorny dilemma of what I should do about mixed media.........sigh.

Oh no! There are also two shirts tha I have a strong hankering to make....and make soon! The fabric for them tantalized me.......below is one of them...gently textured, glorious soft cotton...who knew Yoko Saito would design such a wealth of color?!

What decisions are on your horizons?
What delightful choices must you soon make?
  • Taxes?
  • Gardening?
  • Project ideas?
  • I hope that no one has to deal with difficult real life, challenges.
  • May your decisions all be small and delightful...

Happy Spring to all!


