The Ennui In Equinox

During the Autumn and Spring the time of the Equinox...I seem to get a bit flummoxed. I feel tired, slightly off balance, a bit grumpy and low. So it goes. This year is no different.

I was away at quilt camp which was wonderful, but, let's face it, one (at least this one), never gets as much done as hoped for. The time at a retreat is best spent re-connecting with friends and sharing laughter and fun. I came home behind...mostly with The Farmers Wife 1930's which I started simply to use up stash. I can tell that my brain was not firing on all synapses...the block at the top is what I made. The block shown below in the book is what was supposed to happen. I am okay with it really since a bright dash of the potent orange was probably enough. If I was on top of the project I probably would have re-done it is- it will do. As of today, rather than releasing two blocks per week, there be only one..that will help me a lot!

The "unmentionable" project is moving along. I am pleased to be current and up-to-date with my two versions of this unusual project. I am hopeful to be able to share more details about this quilt at some point in the future, but for now it remains a "mostly mum" endeavor. The EPP'ed blocks below are, I admit, rather boring. Both seemed to furnish a good resting point for the eye though (amidst their more colorful block brethren) and so they will stay "as is" for now. I won't really decide what blocks may need to be reconsidered or redone until I can look at all of the blocks all laid out together...not for awhile yet.

I had been far behind on sending out a small mixed media exchange project for two friends. The "theme" was "hand". They seem a bit dull looking, but my intention was make them appear 'natural' since I used some co-dyed silk noil. Not perfect, but done.

Also, this past week, a small group of us traveled South on the mainland to visit Okan Arts. It is a place that I had wanted to visit for some years. Imagine bolts upon bolts of colorful vintage Japanese yukata friends are all taking an amazing 5-day workshop with Patricia Belaya (owner of Okan Arts) this Fall. I was a happy "tag-along"

Below are the treasures that I found. Now, to decide what will become of them!

On the horizon for next year. Possibly. This pattern from Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts. Barbara Brackman had featured an image of this quilt made with a dark green background on her her blog, "Civil War Quilts" and the possibilities began to dance in my head- despite my not ng overly fond of 'star quilts' n general.


For now, I await the time when my equilibrium returns to normal, dream of future projects and hope to have enough determination to complete those projects that are well under way.

As for you?

  • Does the Equinox pass easily for you or do you too take awhile to adjust?
  • Do you ever begin to feel bored with an on-going project? What do you do to get back in the groove?
  • Do you think about future projects?
  • When does 'Spring' begin for you?



  1. Hi Marie, I'll reply on#2/3. I shift my attention else where. It could be out of the studio as into the kitchen to turn 4 not so wonderful apples into a crisp or it could be another fabric or paint idea thread in progress. I can splinter off again while paint dries to make the next step on a bag or quilt block or make that birthday or condolence card for someone who has been on my mind lately.
    Of Future projects? Big yes. They pop in like the walking stick iris(morea iris)this morning blooming like onion domes and opening to their delicate colors of rust and periwinkle to the morning sun. As to spring, more than half my lifetime ago i moved to what i call endless summer island.(When i was in college a surf movie came out with the title Endless Summer.)Each evening,on a good day, we watch the sun drop and eventually melt into the clouds and ocean or behind the mountain ridge and watch the endless painting of sky gradually fading to soft dark night sky..

  2. I also love the treasures that you found. Those colors speak to me, too!

  3. Love your new treasures! I popped over to Barbara's blog... and just love the star quilt on the olive green, almost 'modern' looking :)

    1. Yep! That quilt is what made me want to consider making that pattern! It's a stunner! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!


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