New Felt Bags - All For Sale

"Vortex" Chartreuse & Magenta Side 1  (8.5"L X  5" H)
My mission for our retreat on Vashon Island last week was to make some felted bags for sale. A wonderful woman, Retro Rose Rhonda who owns a rockin' store ( Vital Elements) here wants to try to sell some of my bags. I'm thrilled at the opportunity and have about 7 more felted pieces ready to roll onto the sewing machine for their free motion fun.
Side 2
I thought that I might add one or more of the bags to my Etsy shop before I bring them into Rhonda - just to see if there is any market there. Let's face face it - if I can sell bags sans the commission  it would mean more in my pocket to use for more materials.

What I found most interesting that I was having a difficult time getting my free motion mojo going while I was away but I found it again easily once I was home. Odd? I dunno- but that is the way it turned out!
Three bags finished. The red one is on Etsy right now - if I find time I may add these other two. I have 7 more ready to be quilted - so hopefully before long I will have a passel of bags!

One would think that with 4 days to get things done I would have accomplished more!  That was not how it worked out though. There were about 3 hours out of the day for meals and then, of course, the trips to one of the most luscious quilt shops ever - Island Quilter. They have the largest collection of Kaffe Fassett's fabrics anywhere. What a delight!  I finally had to forgo lunch (as delicious as they are) just keep my focus going. Next year I will plan to skip lunches and go to town only once!

Next up will be some photos of real quilts - you know the thing I was supposed be doing at a quilting retreat!! This is an extremely gifted group of wonderful women and amazing quilters.....
"Undulating" " Green & Red Side 1  (8" L X 4.5" H)

Green & Red Side 2

Green & Red Interior - green silk

"Radiant"  Red & Black Side 1    (8" L X 5" H)

Red & Black Side 2

Red & Black interior


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