Lazy Girl

I think Tillie is mirroring the way I've been feeling lately. She likes to sit in this sunny window and watch the goldfinches feeding above her head. Today she just wanted to laze. She displays complete relaxation doesn't she?

I think Tillie felt the loss of our oldest gal Cleo on Saturday. It was over time for Cleo. She got lost for awhile on a rainy Friday evening and we had wondered if she had gone off to pass away alone. We got to see her again though and it must have taken every ounce of strength she had to find her way her back home. She must had slid into some water and we dried her off and put her on a heating pad but on Saturday she had no interest in food and it was clear that the time had come. Thankfully, our wonderful vet agreed to meet us and Cleo passed with our hands caressing her. I think she was ready and glad to be free of the pain of kitty old age - 19 years.

It's odd to be the 'parents' of a single feline now after our height of nine in the house at one time. That almost drove me to drink but we loved each and every one.

Tillie is happy to be an only I think - she seems calm and relaxed now - the most I've ever seen her. I guess she's like us - just happy to be home alone. Life goes on - I'm so blessed that I found Tillie when I did. She was the best thing to come out of the many trips to the mainland that I took before and after last year's surgeries. Tillie just shines.


  1. Sorry about Cleo but she had a good life with you. And glad Tillie is doing so well. Django has arthritis but glucosamine and chondiatrin seem to be helping a lot. And Pepper is full of beans! And I am feeling incredibly lazy too, sitting and watching the crocosmia grow!

  2. I am so sorry for your loss with Cleo's passing. We are in the same situation with our Nels. He is 20 something and every day is another gift with him. Tillie does appear to be enjoying herself. To be able to relax like a cat would be such a gift. Hugs.

  3. I just discovered your wonderful blog. Sorry to hear your dear left, I'm sure Cleo had a wonderful life with you. Tillie probably really is enjoying being the only cat. I know when my last Siberian Husky said good by to her brother, she appeared to enjoy being the "special" one and only. :) Good luck with your employment issues, I'm sort of in the same boat age, physical and employment-wise. Not fun. Journaling really helps.


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