Color Hue Dye

This is a silk scarf 14" X 72" pleated, 'marbeled' (yes, those are marbles), presoaked & wrapped
My friend Janet gave me a wonderful gift of Color Hue dyes a while ago and, after seeing a scarf that she made I was totally inspired to get them out and play. First, I ordered a small assortment of silk scarves from Dharma in order to see how the dyes will react on a variety of silk surfaces.  Some of you may remember that I used to make and sell hand dyed fabric - but the space needed (and the warmer temperatures needed) were more than I wanted to juggle. These dyes are ridiculously easy to use - the simple directions suggest a 1:3 ratio using plain water as the diluent. There is no prep or mordants for silk and wool, no heat setting required and the resultant colors are brilliant and rich. They aren't available in a slew of colors but color mixing is easy enough if you know the basics.What more cold a person ask of dye?
This is the same bundle with the dye added. I added a piece of silk organza to catch any excess dye. For this scarf I used green, turquoise and goldenrod.
Next on my audition list is a silk charmeuse scarf that I'm pleating and folding now. The combination of sewing and dying is simply magic for me. I love not knowing what the piece will look like until it is unwrapped. I could become seriously addicted to making these. That might be a good thing since I am auditioning ways to be able to supplement my "Bowery bag lady" Social Security stipend when the time comes.
The result. I am so totally jazzed about these dyes!


  1. Beautiful results. These are great for teaching scarf dyeing - instant results - everyone goes home happy - easy cleanup.

  2. Aren't they the most fun? Wait until you start layer color one at a time and if you have some light or white streaks in you hair, it loves and keeps the dye too! I just wet a Q-tip with color (purple) and pulled it through my bangs!


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