Computing Disaster Day!

My Xmas gift this year is a doozie - a new Apple I Mac. I had been dreaming about having one for so long! It arrived yesterday and, at the behest of DH, I opened it and got the migration assistant going - so I thought! According to the assistant I had about 14 hours to wait - so when I went to bed I envisioned that all would be well when I woke up.

When I woke up there was "blue bar" progress but it now read that it would take 56 house and 19 minutes. I decided that something had to be wrong and so I called tech support. My neck began to ache as the hours online with tech grew longer. After a couple of trouble shooting hours he thought that we/I was on the right track - and decided that he would call be back later to check on things. I made progress on migrating things onto the new computer with the help of a flash drive. Mail worked, Internet worked - I was beginning to be happy.

When the tech called again though we ran some diagnostic and discovered that there was only one hard drive on the machine - there were supposed to be two - one smaller and one very large.

Bottom line. I have wasted an entire day off fiddling with this beauty only to find that it has to be returned. Maybe I will have a new computer by Xmas - maybe not. It really is a drag - but there are silver linings too. I found a problem with the hard drive of my Mac Book Pro (which could have caused serious problems in the future had we not discovered it). It is now repaired and, by opening my Xmas gift early I gave myself a chance to still have the new one in time for the holiday.  If I had waited to open this until Xmas I would  have spent a very frustrating holiday indeed. So - although it was an irritating day filled with wasted effort in the long run it probably worked out for the best.

One thing I tell you though is that this 27" screen is absolutely stunning. You can have four full sized windows operating at the same time. I had wanted get the smaller screen but the options I wanted were only available on this new monster screen. It's brilliant and beautiful - and I think I will like it very well !

I'm ready for a nap now !


  1. Between you and my daughter I have serious IMac envy. Like the shampoo commercial...the two of you can toss your hair and tell me "don't hate me because I have an IMAC...."


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