Converting Wood Block Stamps To Use On Acrylic Blocks Instead

Not to make anyone have heart failure over my posting twice in two days....but....the siren song called and I followed!
I have tried very hard to stay away from paper-y play...but I always feel so happy when I sit down at my paper play table. Today, despite planning to sew, I have strayed.
Today's simple pleasure is converting my wood block stamps to be able to use them with acrylic blocks instead. Not only is it easier for placement on paper but it is a real space saver. Many of my friends have been doing this recently and I had wanted to try it as well.
EZ Mount Static Cling Foam (if not available locally Amazon and EBay offer good pricing).
Hot Knife, non-stick scissors or hot tool of some kind. Thus far I am having the best luck with non-stick scissors. The hot knife is excellent, but the fumes are not!
Alcohol- not needed really but I have been cleaning the back of my rubber stamp with it prior to pressing it into it new foam home and it cleans as well as removing any stray bits of adhesive residue.
I have noticed that the red foam is easier to remove than grey and also that older stamps are easier to separate then newer ones. The EZ Mount Static Cling Foam offers complete directions and they tell you to gently heat the wooden based stamp in a microwave to facilitate easy removal of the adhesive, foam and rubber....but since I don't have one (a microwave) I needed to try alternatives. Some folks have had good luck with freezing the stamp...I tried it and it does work, but I only needed to do that with one stamp was especially stubborn. If use an Xacto knife to help the process Lang as I did with a VERY would all too easy to slice the rubber and ruin the stamp. I don't recommend using the knife unless you are adventurous!
The stamp above is removed from it's old foam and the wooden a brief soak in something like Goo Gone easily removes the last of the adhesive. You are left with a clean, smooth, piece of rubber. This stamp is not wavy...but looks that way n the photo for some reason.
Voila! A lot of stamps reduced from the towering pile of wood blocks to the small pile of acrylic block friendly stamps. I will need to get so,e small storage boxes...those slim line flat ones like DVD's come in...but this is really a space saver !
