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I ave been eagerly processing my adventures in PhotoShop Textureland thanks to an online class with Kim Klassen called The Art of Texture. AS I have mentioned before - I'd decided that the time was now to learn how to use PhotoShop. I am using CS3 and dearly wish I could afford the upgrade to CS5. One day I will! 

This has been my first adventure into really using one of my own images and trying to master some of the mysteries of layers. I love it ! This image began with one of my favorite photographs of  a "polly nose" from a Japanese Maple Tree to which I added about 7 layers and various other fun PS functions.

I added one of my favorite quotes from author Barbara Kingsolver from her book "Animal Dreams":

"... it's surprising how much memory is built around things unnoticed at the time...."

I would love to know what some of your favorite quotes are! Share them with me !


  1. Very nice. I need to do something digital too-got the new computer in Dec. for that purpose then haven't done anything.

  2. Ohhhhhh... This picture is gorgeous!


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