Speak To Me Of Spring: Lily Of The Valley

I've enjoyed being a member of Kim Klassens   PhotoShop Test Kitchen for some time now. Kim offers a fresh take on textures, Photoshop CS, Photoshop Elements and she always has lots of surprise video how-to's to offer. It's well worth the small amount you pay for the education and fun you receive!

Today Kim offered a great little tutorial on how to add a color code to bottom of an image. It's a sampling of some of the colors that are contained in the main image and I really what adding this element can do for some images! Kim has a way of making things clear - she teaches using PhotoShop CS as well as Elements version. Thanks Kim !
Lilies Of The Valley have always been one of my favorite Spring flowers. Surely their scent is a foretaste of heaven! That's what I had to choose a photo of them to use for this experiment !


  1. That is beautiful, Marie! I need to log on and find out how to do the color code!

  2. I love these flowers! They grew along the side of the house when I was a kid, and I loved discovering them blooming, picking them and smelling them. love the way you softened the edges yet the center looks so clear and even moist.

  3. Beautiful "color board" and lovely composition. Thanks. Karen

  4. Beautiful "colorboard" - I really like the composition. Thanks. Karen

  5. I'm following your link from the Test Kitchen. I love the colors you chose! :)

  6. I really love this. Visiting from the test kitchen.

  7. Beautifully done! I just got to the video so haven't tried anything yet. Your example is really great.


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