Some New Books That Please

Just the right timing for hand work!
First of all, let me apologize for the poor image quality. Since getting around right now is a bit of a challenge I neglected to take the sun and the shadows into consideration as I snapped these images.

As I have mentioned in the past, I think that Search Press offers some of the best craft books out there, and I have been a big fan for many years. I was offered the opportunity to have a look at these new Search Press titles. What a treat!

Please note that you should be able to double click on these images to see a larger version.
Wonderful, clear, illustrations
 Since I have been doing a lot of hand sewing these days - especially embroidery, thee books popped up at a particularly perfect moment. Both of these volumes offer a wealth of design ideas coupled with beautiful photographs and clear, well written instructions.
Detailed color illustrations that include
 thread type and colors used
If you have a young or new machine sewer in your life then  "A Beginner's Guide To Machine Sewing" by Clementine Collinet is the perfect gift. It will also be a great addition to your own library to use as a 'refresher' course when needed.
This book is perfect for the new, or returning, machine sewer!
The lessons offer something for everybody and contain references to earlier lessons that highlight specific techniques.

Want to add piping to  project? Here are simple, concise directions. All of the lessons are very well illustrated -
 which is a hallmark of Search Press books.
Full size patterns are included !
 "Making It" is a book that I think we could all really use. It goes over everything that you need to know to get your own craft business off the ground. I have already learned a lot from this book!
The table of contents really says it all. There is a wealth of information in this book and all of it is useable. Everything is presented in a clear, concise way. 
Ah! The age old dilemma. How to price you work?
 Here are some very good methods!

How do you promote your business? Here are some answers!
Below: an excellent resources list. This is something that I always look for in a book. I like to be able to go to other places for ore detailed information and also to get more ideas. This list of resources is especially noteworthy I think.
