Michelle Ward Crusade # 53 : Mad Scientist

Every month I look forward to Michelle Ward's "Crusades" I get so much out of them and eagerly anticipate the monthly challenge. No one presents a challenge better than Michelle!

I had a lot more ideas in mind to play with along the lines of this theme - until last week when I was informed that my job was eliminated. I have been struggling to maintain focus since then although I know in my heart and in my faith that ll of it will work out. I just got thrown off center a bit. Rather than miss the deadline of today - I decided to use this early variation on the theme.  Thanks Michelle for helping me focus even when the earth is moving under your feet!


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your job. That's awful. I hope you can turn the news into something positive for yourself. Hugs.

  2. Marie - sorry about the job. Dang. Like Cath said, hope it turns into something positive. I LOVE your page! Super fun to see all the circles of mixed paint with your written color names chasing about. Keep plugged in to making cool stuff - I know it will dull the disappointment. {hugs}

  3. Love your page, it is joyous. I'll keep positive thoughts about a new job for you.

  4. Marie, I just finished 53, too! You always have amazing colorifics. It's been awhile since I've been able to blurf, and I was really sorry to hear about your job. I'm wishing you continuing success, as you are such a talented and intelligent giving person.

    Looking forward to what you share in Crusade 54.


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