Thank You Christine or What To Do When The "Fine Art" Gremlins Bite

Some of you may have seen this on FaceBook already. I added it there this morning as I thought through whether I would offer this little piece for raffle or not.

This is a 9" X 12" canvas that I put together for a raffle that is held at our County Fair to benefit  our local Arts League. It's a real mixed media piece and although it was not quite what I had planned to do - I finished it on time at least and was ready to submit it - or so I thought.  I sabotaged myself though as sat at my desk today looking at it. Despite my co-workers assurances that they all really liked it I was daunted by the idea of offering it for raffle in 'competition' with the work of a group of 'fine' artists. I decided that I would just take it home and pay them for the canvas so they would not be out any money.

Yes, it's a happy piece but I guess for some reason I was/am just not that happy with it. As I walked out of the door from work my friend - and short timer co-worker - told me that she would take it in for me. I was ashamed of myself for allowing the "fine" art gremlin to rear it's thorny head over me but it did. I just began to feel so untalented and so "why would anyone want this over a 'real' watercolor or oil painting"?  I realize that I have some work to do on that issue.....
Thank you Christine - for being a friend, for having faith in me and for going out of your way to get this piece into someone else' hands! May whoever ends up with this painting - take it's "a wonderful day" theme to heart.


  1. I can relate to what you're saying. I'm participating in the Liberate Your Art postcard swap again this year (isn't that where we met?) and I feel very inadequate as I look at the "real" art that other people have posted on the Facebook event page. I try to remember that we all have different gifts, and that for each gift there will be a recipient who will appreciate it. I'm proud of you for letting your friend take the piece in for you. It is indeed a happy piece, and I hope someone joyfully takes it home.


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