How Friendship Can Make You Tearful

Today was a mail day that made me a wee bit weepy. I am, on occasion, astounded and humbled by the generosity and thoughtfulness of some of my cyber friends. I have several special cyber friends. I have said it before and I will say it again, my friends are the ones who teach me about generosity of spirit and thoughtfulness. As a non-spoiled, but only child, I sometimes think that I passed too lightly through God's 'share' line. It's not that I don't want to, or that I never think to share, it's just that I need to remember how meaningful it is at times.

This amazing magical box arrived today from Jeannie. Jeannie has been a cyber pal for a long time now. We live in the state, and we also live on the same side of this "mountain divided" state.  Jeannie had read that I was becoming more interested in 'primitive' wool applique, but that wool was scarce. Voila! Jeannie sent this box full of surprises in so many wonderful colors. She even included a book by Janet Bolton that I seen and admired at a friend's house just last week. How does one say thank you for this sort of generosity and thoughtfulness? I am flummoxed.
Jeannie knows that I have 'a thing' for crows, and her magic box contained lots of 'crow worthy' darks as well brilliant colored, special, wool fabrics .
Below: What made me tear up are these two pieces. The black wool is from Jeannie's Grand Mom's coat c1950 and the bits of yellow are from her Mother's c1944 eighth grade coat. I feel as though she has shared a bit of her family with me. 

These fabrics are now special to me too. I never was able to get anything of my Mother's, or from my beloved Grandmother's, and so family fabrics are especially dear to me - causing bouts of tears today! Again, how does one thank a person for sharing family history so poignantly?
 This is the Janet Bolton book that intrigues me so much - and now I get to read it at my leisure!
 Jeannie even included some threads for me try out. They wer tucked into her butterfly card
The second treasure that arrived today is from a younger friend from Australia. Her name is Soki, and as you can see, she is the Queen of beautiful writing. I have never quite known anyone to write as beautifully as Soki does. Her letters are gifts in themselves as she displays her talents in a rainbow of inks that somehow don't look as lush and beautiful as when I write with them!  Ski is a fan of vintage flex pens. I love them too, but my available funds no longer allow for pen purchases. I met Soki through my favorite pen fetishist hang out (the Fountain Pen Network). I have used fountain pens almost exclusively since I was 16. I wish I had spent even a 100th of that time as well spent as Soki has. Enclosed with her gift of a letter was this lovely journal with Bamboo on the cover. Doesn't it match her green ink perfectly?!
I am blessed by my friends,from near and far alike. You all teach me the meaning of friendship and the meaning of selfless giving. I am indebted to you all. Thank you for the treasures that come my way so unexpectedly and with so much joy!

Blessings to you Jeannie, and Soki as well, for your kindness and thoughtfulness.


  1. That Jeanne is definitely a special and very giving person!!

  2. I am so glad the cloth found a good home. Oh, to write like Soki!!! I love seeing beautiful handwriting and hers is exceptional. Have a wonderful week, my friend!

  3. are those your green nails in the picture? the writer has a lovely hand..and the green ink! it must be in the air. i spent most of today painting the room laughingly known as my "office" a grey green shade called Bamboo.

    and what a nice story. the best gifts are the ones you'd never expect...

  4. Just reading this makes me feel like I received a special gift! Thank you for sharing. These two women knew that you would treasure what they sent before they packaged their gifts. Your delight is all the thanks they need. Well done.


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