Jane La Fazio Is Coming To Teach On San Juan Island ! Finally I Won't Have To Travel For A Great Class!!

One of the things about living on an island, the down side if you will, is that there are few opportunities to take classes that you want to. Generally speaking those of us who live here travel to get the the classes we want. That becomes pricey when you figure in the costs of the class, supplies, travel costs, ferry costs and room and board. Many relatively available classes that we can take are prohibitively expensive by themselves - pricing many of us out of the creative loop.

When we started our local quilting guild years ago it was with the intention of being able to bring teachers to us - rather than us having to the teachers. In the intervening years I have become gobsmacked by mixed media - and I thirst for some classes to help me put some of the mixed media puzzle pieces. My friend Janet, who has generously become my social organizer, who knows everyone in town and is well connected, stopped by my office one day to tell me about a class with Jane LaFazio that that she had heard was going to be offered here - on island- no traveling!

We both scurried to track down how factual this juicy 'rumor' was. Sure enough - a woman that none of knows is organizing a great selection of mixed media classes - right here in Paradise ! Wild At The Heart Studios is bringing Jane LaFazio to San Juan Island in September. If you're interested there are still some spots open. Contact Jan at Wild At The Heart for information, dates, and pricing.

Jane is one person I have wanted to take a class from for quite a few years now. I really love her journaling technique and my missing link is being able to incorporate more art in my daily journaling. I'm really happy to be able to have a great class available to me right here in Paradise. Check it out and contact Jan to join us ! Remember - September is generally a really nice month here

This is the class information directly from Jan's blog:

Jane LaFazio
September 10-11, 2011 Workshop Price: $265
at Sleeping Sea Guest House

Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style

This workshop will be conducted at a charming, private vacation rental in Friday Harbor, that will include a variety of accommodation options for attendees on a first come/first serve basis.  For more information about lodging at "Once In A Blue Moon" guest house, please check out the link on this site and contact Jan Murphy at (360) 298-2195 for reservations and additional information.
flowersBe inspired to record your life, a special trip, or your daily adventures in a loose, quick journal style format. Spend the day discovering Friday Harbor with artist Jane LaFazio. Jane, known for her friendly, encouraging teaching style, will demonstrate drawing and watercolors on location using a straight-forward, intuitive approach. You'll draw what you see, capturing the details of the local flora & fauna, paint and then journal your thoughts and impressions on 5x7" pages. Everyone has their own drawing style, just like handwriting, and Jane will help you to see and then record what you see on paper. The class is geared for beginners, but all levels are welcome. (Really, even if you haven't drawn since 3rd grade, Jane can teach you!)
roseSupply list: Bring watercolors (PRANG children's watercolors are surprising good), a pencil and eraser. (Also bring a hat, small stool, sunscreen. We'll be outside, weather permitting)
Materials fee: $15. Jane will supply the 5x7" paper and a special waterbrush for each student.


  1. I am so envious! We already have travel plans or I would be jumping up and down trying to get in the class. Imagine having Jane so close (well, 5+ hours of driving). Have a wonderful time and I look forward to a class report in September. Thanks so much for the info about Purell. Who would have thought?

  2. That will be a great class.

  3. I'm jealous! I love her style and with your expertise you will be churning out some remarkable pieces.


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