
What a sleepy head Tillie is !
I am really feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I'm behind on book reviews, behind on correspondence, behind on house work, laundry and life!

I've been working on a very overdue memorial quilt for a lovely woman. It took me some time to get my mojo going but it is making excellent progress and should be done soon! I spent the last 3 days getting the strips put together from the front - made from her late husband's shirts were all needed stabilization before I could work with them. Today I scanned and cleaned up nearly 30 photographs and printed them all. They're curing now and I'll begin the wide border construction tomorrow. I will, most surely, do a post about it when all is said and done. I know I will feel better once the quilt is done and I can pain play again. Funny how art journaling has really taken root in my life !, l
This is how I feel today too !
The one thing that I have been keeping up with is my Blipfoto blipping - my daily photo journal. I find being able to upload only one photo per day that has to have been taken on the day helps me keep focused on taking s few photos a day at least. That's a good thing and it has revitalized photographic spirit. I also joined Red Bubble. I can now order cards and prints of my photos and other art work - and now so can you if you want. It's really easy and they have a lot of creative groups. I have a lot more to investigate on both sites but it's a good start.
Trying to feel warm on a showery, cool summer day
I posted this photo on several sites yesterday. The bees were most pleased with comfrey blossoms!


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