Photography Once Again

Eye See The World
I am big believer that my life goes in circles. One circle begins, another completes. Many bring happiness, closure, adventure, new perspectives, beginnings and ending. It seems that my love for photography has reinvented itself and I feel re-energized by the wonderful new horizons that the digital age and my IPhone have afforded me. Oddly enough I seldom use the cell phone -I am not a big fan of phones in general - but I could not give up my IPhone because of all the other things it can do!

Photography has been a part of my life for many years, I actually went to a two years photography degree program. It was just as the digital age was beginning and, collectively, none of thought it would last! I used to spend hours and hours days at a time enjoying the quiet and marvels of the darkroom. It was a place that felt like home. Ultimately, of course, digital caught on. Big Time! It didn't take me long to hop on the digital photography wagon. It did, however, take me awhile to decide to put some time into investigating the true wonders of PhotoShop CS ( I got CS5 as my birthday present). I am learning things everyday and have also discovered the utterly amazing , fun, capabilities of the some IPhone apps like Hipstamatic and 100 cameras from Trey Ratcliff and the latest and greatest, Instagram. Thanks to a friend's suggestion I am also now vested in BlipFoto - a daily camera verite kind of journal site that I like for it's minimalist couture and have an account on SmugMug - which I don't really know why I got. I love Deviant Art despite the onerous name - you have to think of it in an analogical way.
These are some of my recent photographs. Some shown "as is" some from PhotoShop and some from my trusty IPhone and apps. Last Friday I had to stop along the way home quite a few times just to snap a few photos. That joy in clicking the shutter (real or cyber) hasn't happened in awhile and felt somewhat like coming home. Another circle re-opening for me.
My Feet Are On The Ground
I think my quilting/stitching circle is also re-opening a bit. I'm working on a long-g-g-g-g overdue quilt for a lovely woman who has stood by me through the surgeries and malaise. I offered that she hire someone else and she demurred. The song of the sewing machine feels good and I am making progress thanks to taking a vacation day to work some more on it. It feels good! Now I just need to figure out how in the heck to keep up with the all of the colors and textures and dreams that hide in all of the things I love to do!
Dizzy Feats
Do you find patterns unfold in your life like my circles? Maybe it's like the tides that flow out and return - or the moon that waxes and wanes? How do you feel the patterns and textures of your life?
Gate Grate


  1. Fun to read about your photography. When I go out in our woods with the dog, I immediately calm down and relax.

  2. Your quilt sounds interesting. I look forward to pics!

  3. Love your photos, Marie! Hope all is well with you and that you're feeling better. Looks like you've been very busy being creative. I've been away from the blogging world for a while so I've missed a lot of your posts.

    BTW: I get so many compliments on the purse you made for our trade.

    Take care!


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